014: MACROSS The Complete (scene) ⭐️

MACROSS The Complete

The 30th Anniversary G.Kit Series: No. 014

🎬 [From Macross The Movie ~ 愛・おぼえていますか ~]

Manufacturer: Yellow Submarine
Scale: 1/4000
Plastic Type: Garage Kit (G.Kit)
Year of origin: 1998
Year of purchase: 1998
Year of modelling fulfilment: 2023.03 (waited for 25 years to be completed)

我花咗大約一個月時間完成呢隻G.Kit. 全長大約30 cm,起碼有半嚿磚頭重量,質感算好實淨,而且details程度充足,係一隻質量算相當唔錯嘅手G.Kit。

製作上我先處理(1)主艦身, (2)ARMD 宇宙航空母艦,(3) 地台底盤。整個地台面積大約係45cm x 15cm。

除咗Yellow Submarine有生產呢隻G.Kit之外,其次長谷川(Hasegawa)亦有生產相同比例嘅Macross SDF-1塑膠模型, 但長谷川版外型比較操做, Yellow Submarine版就更似動畫内嘅Macross線條, 我喺上色嘅時候,特登走美國科幻電影太空船艦色調,而冇選用日本系嘅科幻電影色調,所以科幻感更強。

由於造型係好完美,改造上我只係係艦尾噴射器附近,加咗16節針,喺動畫設定上,係有呢啲小型嘅針,要睇Macross設定書籍先至會有, 呢隻嘢唔使點樣改造,所以叫做生產質量真係好好。

我喺最後兩張圖,補上兩張Macross LP同埋Minmay poster做襯托,成套叫做好完美啦, 咁樣,我喺1983年對Macross嘅夢想,就完全實踐😆 (我已完成對Macross既歷史責任🤗)。

Click on the photo to load full resolution image👇

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)

1/4000 Yellow Submarine製のMacross SDF-1 (Movie Edition 1984)


ARMD-02 carrier

This is the only way to take a full frame picture for the bottom size. 

ARMD-01/02 and the add-on venting panel on the foots.


Yellow Submarine's user manual

I take out some of my LP vinyl (my 90's style).
Style of my Macross scheme (my 90's style)

I take out my Minmay Poster along with the G.Kit for photography.
That facilitates my enjoying mood of the Macross world.
After 25 years, I finished the G.Kit eventually, which is already 1/4 century time passed.

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